Salford Loaves and Fishes
A drop in service based at the Windsor Centre in Salford that aims to offer users a warm and safe environment in which they can access the following services, hot food, showers, clothing and laundry. Service users can also access a dental surgery, GP surgery and practice nurse. The following organisations also provide services; Citizens Advice Salford, Achieve Community Alcohol Team, Drugs Clinic & Needle Exchange, smoking reduction/support services. The client group is primarily made up of people insecurely housed, people with mental and physical ill health and also many users of the service are alcohol or drug dependent. The centre has a core staff of support workers (paid staff and volunteers) that provide different levels of support for clients accessing these services.
Salford Volunteer Centre
Volunteer Centre Salford offers support for people who want to volunteer and volunteer – involving organisations . If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, Volunteer Centre Salford is there to help. The centre can help you to explore the opportunities available and match you up with the most appropriate one. Working with the Help Through Crisis program the Volunteer Centre can work with prospective volunteers and agencies supporting them to develop opportunities.
Salford Age UK
Age UK Salford is an independent local charity, established almost 40 years ago. Improves later life for all older people in Salford, through the provision of support, advocacy and direct services. As a Help Through Crisis partner Salford Age UK can provide positive support and expertise to improve hardship crisis services for people over 50 in Salford.
Mind in Salford
Mind in Salford is an independent, user focused charity providing quality services to make a positive difference to the well being and mental health of the people of Salford. Services include advocacy, welfare rights and benefit advice and mindfulness. As a Help Through Crisis partner Mind in Salford can provide positive interventions to improve mental health and well being for users of the service.
The Broughton Trust
The Broughton Trust was set up in 1999. It is a charity and company limited by guarantee. It has a board of fifteen members, eight who are residents and seven from organisations such as Social Landlords, Salford University and Salford Council. The Trust provides adult learning, youth work, employment support and community development across East Salford. Most of its employees and volunteers live locally.
As a Help Through Crisis partner The Broughton Trust brings opportunities to people in hardship crisis to access learning and employment support.
Revive Salford
Provides a wide range of high quality services, practical support and advocacy for refugees and people seeking asylum on their journey of recovery. Working with the Help Through Crisis project to provide more access to quality assured advice and information.
Salford Central Foodbank
We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. Our advice and information team provide weekly advice and information sessions at the branch in Mocha parade.
Mustard Tree
For over 20 years Mustard Tree has been a Greater Manchester based charity committed to providing life support for the homeless and marginalised. Supporting communities where ‘poverty and disadvantage remain a key challenge’ and where ‘levels of unemployment and economic inactivity are amongst the highest nationally.’ Our advice and information team provide weekly advice and information sessions at the Little Hulton branch.
Citizens Advice Salford
Lead agency in the project, providing general advice in benefits, debt, housing, employment and consumer matters and specialist advice in benefits, debt, housing and health and community care. All our services can be accessed by clients engaging with Help Through Crisis.